Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sex Tech: Facebook’s “not so fresh” feeling, Google Glass porn | ZDNet

Sex Tech: Facebook’s “not so fresh” feeling, Google Glass porn

Sex Tech: Facebook’s “not so fresh” feeling, Google Glass porn

By  | June 29, 2012, 12:48am PDT
Summary: Google Glass porn plans, Facebook and Femfresh face off, OkCupid privacy report, reactions to Lara Croft’s rape-tinged reboot, Zynga’s new game might have sex in it, and more.
Facebook’s agony over vaginal nicknames, Google Glasses already sized up for porn, OkCupid on trial for privacy and tested for fun, reactions to Lara Croft’s potential rape and more.
Google Glasses destined to be pornified
When Google announced its “Project Glass” eyeglasses were about to be made available to developers at Google I/O this week, Pink Visual spokesman Quentin Boyer said his company will be first in line to develop and innovate with them for porn once as soon as Pink Visual can get a set.
Facebook fight over vaginal pet names
Femfresh, the brand specialising in feminine hygiene is facing an escalating social media storm about its terms for female genitalia.
Things got worse when it updated its cover photo on its Facebook page claiming that Femfresh is ‘one of the kindest ways to care for your kitty, nooni, lala, vagina, froo froo!’.
UK ISP porn block idea worsened, wrapped in double-speak
You’ve already heard that the UK government wants to implement porn and “unsuitable material” blocks at the ISP level for all residents of the country.
The UK government is to consider putting (even more) extra pressure on computer users to filter out pornography when setting up internet accounts, suggesting that people should automatically be barred from accessing adult material (and other types of material considered “unsuitable”) in order “to protect children.”
The latest proposed system proposed is called “active choice-plus.”
Chuild porn made legal, then made illegal in New York
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and leaders of the Senate and Assembly reached agreement on legislation making all viewing of child pornography online illegal.
It is in response to a Court of Appeals ruling in May that said New York’s law was outdated, technologically, because it required a viewer to download or otherwise directly access child porn for it to be considered possession.
Reaction hostile to Lara Croft as “sympathetic rape victim”
After it was announced at E3 that Lara Croft would be rebooted as a sympathetic character because she is weaker and rapey-er, lots of people were furious.
An op-ed in the New Statesman said,
(…) let’s talk about the sh*t storm broiling over the pre-release material for the next Tomb Raider game, in which the protagonist, Lara Croft, is retconned as a survivor of sexual and physical assault.
(…) Industry mandarins seem to have assumed that gamers, by which they mean male gamers, can only carry on loving cold, powerful, beautiful Lara Croft if someone “break[s] her down”.
Tomb Raider game makers go on damage control after Lara Croft PR disaster
Eidos life president Ian Livingstone says the upcoming reboot of Tomb Raider still features a strong, capable heroine and believes reaction to the game’s controversial trailer - and the, you know, interview with stuff about rape and Lara Croft - have been blown out of proportion.
Spammers trade porn for CAPTCHA crackers
Spammers – not hackers, as the title states – are wooing patsys with free porn or games in exchange for help cracking CAPTCHAs on targeted websites, security researchers say.
New Zynga game doesn’t really have “virtual sex” in it
Zynga, makers of the groundbreaking social network games “FarmVille” and “CityVille,” launched today “The Ville,” a “house-and-people” themed game that people are saying includes virtual sex, but in truth only has level-unlock scene where hearts float over a bed.
OkCupid tested with fake profiles
Data analyst Jon Millward published the results of ten fake OkCupid profiles to asess the male-female dynamic in online dating.
…But OkCupid still has privacy issues
A new report shows that privacy on OkCupid, which was acquired by last year, is all but nonexistent.
New best practices on gender in tech forthcoming
The Commission on Science and Technology (CSTD), in collaboration with the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), plans to publish a series of case studies highlighting best practice in gender equality policies in science, technology and innovation (STI) of governments around the world.
Crazy porn file-sharing lawsuit would make everyone guilty
Liberty Media Holdings (LMH) is suing two roommates in New York, alleging the illegal downloading of a pornographic film, even though LMH argues that only one made the infringing copy.
Remarkably, LMH claims that the non-downloading roommate is also responsible for copyright infringement, simply because the Internet subscription is in his name and he might have known his roommate sometimes made illegal downloads.
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